Here ye! Here ye! Calling all running royalty – this February, get ready for a fairy-tale race weekend with a touch of… wicked! The 2025 Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend presented by CORKCICLE, returning to Walt Disney World Resort February 20 – 24, 2025, brings participants on a fantastical runDisney journey. Take part in the multi-event weekend as our beloved princesses go up against the wonderfully wicked villains of their stories and where you can realize your own potential along the way.
Today we’re excited to reveal a first look at what will be awaiting runners at the finish line:

Disney Princess 5K presented by CORKCICLE
It’s time to get down to running business and rise up with Mulan to face the fearsome Shan Yu and his trusted falcon for 3.1 not-so-menacing miles to earn your rightful finisher medal.

Disney Princess 10K presented by CORKCICLE
Step into a whole new running world and fly high with Princess Jasmine during a 6.2-mile showdown with the evil sorcerer Jafar. Just beware the hypnotic eyes of his serpentine staff as you collect your treasure-worthy finisher medal.

Disney Princess Half Marathon presented by CORKCICLE
There’s no rest for the wicked! Slay a 13.1-mile journey with Princess Aurora (a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty) as she confronts the wrath of Maleficent. Watch out for cursed spindles as you earn this spellbinding finisher medal.

Disney Princess Fairy Tale Challenge presented by CORKCICLE
Take a bite out of the race weekend and take on the fairest challenge of them all with Snow White and her poison apple-wielding nemesis, the evil Queen. Comprised of the 10K and the Half Marathon, completing these 19.3 miles will earn you this additional medal!
Like our runDisney athletes, Disney Princesses are empowered individuals who inspire others to achieve things they never thought possible. From start to finish, feel empowered to take on a challenge and enjoy extra enchantment throughout the 2025 Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend presented by CORKCICLE.
Which medal are you most excited about? Share with us on social using #PrincessHalf.