Behind the Nametag: Digital Artist Uses Creativity to Share Cast Stories

Senior Business Analyst Jen Estremos Disney Cast Member

A love of Mickey Mouse has followed Senior Business Analyst Jen Estremos to multiple countries around the world. Jen grew up in Cebu, Philippines, and first fell in love with Mickey when her mother sent her a plush from the United States in a Balikbayan box. “Everybody loved Disney, and it was something to gift your family with to make them happy,” said Jen. 

When Jen was able to join her mother in Lakeland, Florida, at the age of 9, all she wanted to do was go to Magic Kingdom Park to visit her mouse friend for the first time.

As Jen pursued an education in fine arts, she leapt at every opportunity to chase her dreams and learn all she could. These experiences led her to explore the world of digital arts and, ultimately – a career in the Technology and Digital organization with Disney.  

She now uses her artistic skills to share stories about other cast members. You may have even seen her name in the byline in other Behind the Nametag stories

“Disney has made so much of an impact on me. What better way to give back some of that magic to our cast members than using my creativity to tell their stories.”

Jen is incredibly proud to be a part of the Disney family and knows she belongs. Being a Disney cast member has allowed her to make magic by putting her passions and skill sets to use in her role in technology.