Read an Excerpt of ‘The Haunted Mansion: Storm & Shade’ by Claudia Gray!

Read an Excerpt of 'The Haunted Mansion: Storm & Shade' by Claudia Gray! blog header

I know you’ve been just dying to get your hands on “The Haunted Mansion: Storm & Shade” since we revealed the cover back in February, and since it is Halfway to Halloween, here is a treat..a spooky sneak peek! Below you’ll find an excerpt of Claudia Gray’s Young Adult novel inspired by everyone’s favorite attraction. Reader beware: there’s no turning back now! 

I know what you’re thinking…those were some creepy chapters! Well, I didn’t mean to frighten you prematurely; the real chills come later…

“The Haunted Mansion: Storm & Shade,” will be available wherever books are sold on September 5, 2023. Preorder it now and hurry back to the Disney Parks Blog for more shriek-worthy content this week.

Book cover of "The Haunted Mansion: Storm & Shade" by Claudia Gray