Disneyland Resort Tips Every First Timer Should Know

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If you’re planning your first visit to Disneyland Resort, you’ve come to the right place! This month’s episode of the planDisney Podcast is jam-packed with Disneyland Resort tips every first-timer should know. There is so much to see and do during your visit, and panelists Al C. and Tishra B. are sharing their insights to help you plan the most magical vacation possible. Here are four things you can look forward to in this episode: 

Disneyland Resort Overview

The panelists are coming to you from The Happiest Place on Earth to share an overview of the two theme parks, three resort hotels, and the Downtown Disney District that make up Disneyland Resort and give their top tips for navigating the resort as a first-time visitor. If you need help deciding which resort hotel is right for your travel party or which ticket type will help you maximize the magic, the panelists have you covered!

Must-Do Attractions at Disneyland Resort

Whether you’re a thrill seeker like Tishra or a fan of nostalgic classics like Al, you can experience the legacy of Disney storytelling through unique attractions at Disneyland Resort. Not sure where to begin? The panelists share how you can use the tools in the Disneyland app to decide which attractions are must-dos for your crew. 

Show-Stopping Entertainment at Disneyland Resort

There is no shortage of entertainment offerings across Disneyland Resort. From character encounters to parades, and even live music at the Downtown Disney District, there’s something for visitors of all ages to enjoy! If you’re wondering where to meet Mickey Mouse and friends or how to get the best view for the “World of Color” nighttime spectacular, the panelists are here to help!  

Dining at Disneyland 

Disneyland Resort is the ultimate foodie destination. First-time visitors will want to tune in to hear the panelists break down the two main types of dining at Disneyland Resort and share their recommendations for Quick Service and Table Service restaurants. And don’t worry, we didn’t forget about the snacks!

Enjoying this Disney podcast? You can listen to new episodes of the planDisney podcast every third Wednesday of the month on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also join the panelists on location and watch it on the Disney Parks YouTube channel.

Stay tuned for next month’s episode as we kick off Season 3 of the planDisney Podcast with expert advice on using the dining plan at Walt Disney World! In the meantime, if you’re looking for more Disney travel tips, follow planDisney on Instagram and Twitter, or ask your planning questions at planDisney.com.

Panelists receive compensation for their participation on planDisney.