Ring in 2024 with New Disney Cinderella Castle, PeopleMover Wallpapers

2024 New Year Wallpapers

As we prepare to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, our team created three special wallpapers to help you on your new years’ resolutions with a touch of Disney magic. Let the countdown begin with these cheerful wallpapers featuring Disneyland Resort Icons, Walt Disney World’s Cinderella Castle and Magic Kingdom’s PeopleMover and step into the new year with the Disney Parks on your desktop, mobile devices and smart watches.

New Year’s Magic Kingdom PeopleMover Wallpaper

Light up your desktop, mobile device and smart watch with this iconic Magic Kingdom PeopleMover wallpaper. Take a trip into Tomorrowland, welcome the opportunities of the future and keep moving forward to a brand new year!

New Year’s Disneyland Icons Wallpaper

The magic of Disneyland Resort park icons come to life on your screens! Whether it’s the thrill of Space Mountain or the timelessness of Walt’s and Mickey’s statue, this wallpaper is sure to reawaken unforgettable memories or anticipate the magic of future ones

New Year’s Cinderella Castle & Fireworks Wallpaper

What better way to dive in the new year than with Disney fireworks and the Cinderella Castle? This wallpaper captures the perfect spirit of the excitement of Walt Disney World’s night shows for your screens. Let this one transport you to a magical sparkling night as the calendar turns!

As we reflect on the past year, we hope these wallpapers bring joy to your screens. Stay tuned for an even more magical journey in 2024! Wishing you a Happy New Year from the Disney Parks Blog team!