3 Disney Fall Wallpapers Featuring Mickey Pumpkins, Figaro, Olaf, Goofy

Olaf covered in leaves holding a coffee cup

It’s officially fall! The time for leaves changing colors, cozy atmospheres, delicious treats, and of course — Mickey pumpkins galore at Disney Parks. To celebrate the season, we’re sharing three new Disney fall wallpapers with Mickey pumpkins and Figaro, Olaf in the fall mood, and Goofy at Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, all of which truly embody this time of year. Get ready to download these awesome autumn Disney backgrounds for your desktop, iPhone, Android, and more.

Figaro and Mickey Pumpkin Wallpaper

In our first design we find our feline friend, Figaro, peeking through the ears of a Mickey pumpkin! Figaro was first seen in “Pinocchio” in 1940, and since then we’ve seen this mischievous cat make multiple appearances. We’re thrilled to see Figaro show up in today’s wallpaper. Between the soft falling leaves and orange happy hues, it’s the perfect Mickey pumpkin background to decorate your devices with these next few months.

Pumpkin Spice Latte Olaf Wallpaper

Next up, download an adorable Olaf wallpaper! He’s basking in the fall feeling and encouraging you to do the same. Since Olaf is seated off to the left, he’s the perfect cozy companion for meetings as your Zoom background. Covered in leaves with a pumpkin spice latte in hand, made especially for his “Samantha,” he is the epitome of the season in this cute wallpaper. Speaking of pumpkin spice lattes, don’t miss where you can find your pumpkin treat at Disney parks this year.

Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party Wallpaper

Lastly, if you’re heading to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party on one of the select nights now through Nov. 1 at Magic Kingdom Park, show your excitement with this Goofy background! And gawrsh, he found all the candy in this design… we hope your treat hunt goes just as well at the party. As your night creeps closer, take a look at these ghoulishly good Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party tips from planDisney and the Foodie Guide from Disney Eats to make the most of your frightfully fun night.

Fall in love with more Disney wallpapers and backgrounds! Visit our complete gallery of wallpapers for more dazzling designs. Check out the terms of use about using wallpapers before downloading. 

Be sure to share your Disney fall moments with us this season on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter at @DisneyParks. Happy fall!