The joyful sound of laughter filled the hallways of CHOC (Children’s Hospital of Orange County) once again when Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse recently surprised young patients and their families with a special visit, bringing much-needed moments of happiness during a hospital stay!
For the first time since 2019, beloved characters brought the magic of Disneyland Resort directly to patients and their families at CHOC with the return of inpatient room visits, providing treasured personal interactions with favorite Disney pals, creating positive memories that will last a lifetime.

“When Disney comes to visit CHOC, Disney’s magic isn’t just a fantasy—it’s a beacon of hope, joy, and wonder that transforms moments of uncertainty into cherished memories for patients and families alike,” said Eric Mammen, Creative Arts Supervisor – Child Life Department at CHOC. “We are so grateful for the opportunity for our patients and families to experience these moments provided by the Disney characters and cast members.”

In addition to sharing smiles with their favorite Disney pals, patients were also left with a small touch of magic with their own plush Mickey Mouse to remember the visit and inspire them for the future.
Disney has a devoted legacy of providing joy for patients at CHOC, dating back to Walt Disney’s time on the hospital’s founding board in 1960 and his fundraising efforts to help bring the hospital to life in Orange County.
As CHOC celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, the Disneyland Resort is proud to continue its longstanding support in a variety of ways, including the hospital’s beloved annual fundraiser, CHOC Walk in the Park, which has raised over $44 million for healthcare programs and research for over 30 years. From supporting the child-friendly design of the Bill Holmes Tower to creating the interactive “Turtle Talk with Crush” show in the lobby and countless hours of commitment by Disney VoluntEARS each year, the resort is committed to providing moments of joy for patients and families at CHOC.
Following the success of the 2023 walk, which raised over $2.2 million, we previously announced that CHOC Walk in the Park will return to Disneyland Resort on Sunday, July 21, 2024! The 5k walk takes participants on an inspiring early-morning journey through Disneyland park and Disney California Adventure park – while raising funds one step at a time to support the hospital’s vital programs and research. Registration is open! For more information on how to get involved, visit

Thank you to all of our local healthcare workers who are the real heroes caring for patients and their families daily. For more on Disney’s work in children’s hospitals around the world, visit