$1.5 Million in New Disney Donations Given to Causes Making a Difference in Florida

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At Walt Disney World, making magic and helping others is what we’re all about. So, it makes perfect sense that we’re giving Disney Donations (in the form of Disney Grants) totaling $1.5 million to 19 Florida nonprofit organizations. These organizations are all creating positive change in the state of Florida – our home for over half a century!

Each one of these Disney Grant recipients is making a meaningful difference in Florida. They’re doing amazing work for our communities. Their contributions include establishing development programs to strengthen Florida’s education and workforce. Other efforts support the arts and work to reduce homelessness and hunger and more.

Disney Grant recipients make positive change

So, what nonprofit organizations are we helping support with these Disney Donations? Read on for a little bit about our latest Disney Grant recipients and their missions:

Disney Grants continue our tradition of giving back to Florida

These Disney Donations in Florida will help each Disney Grant recipient positively affect the lives of Floridians and their families. They also continue Disney’s over 50-year history of helping Florida thrive, building on other recent Disney nonprofit initiatives in 2023, including:

Disney World cast members volunteer to help Disney Donation recipients

Beyond the dollars Disney donates, our cast members also spend time personally volunteering with many of these organizations and others across Florida through our Disney VoluntEARS program. In 2023, Disney cast members generously contributed over 200,000 hours to our Florida communities!

Image of Disney World cast member volunteers posing in front of Cinderella Castle.

Looking forward to future support with Disney Donations

Disney World is proud to support each of our deserving Disney Donation recipients. As we look to the future, we will continue our beloved tradition of impacting our local communities through Disney Donations. To read more about ongoing Disney nonprofit initiatives in Florida, visit DisneyFlorida.com.